ALAN Games Studio is made up of a group of friends with over 100 years of combined game experience. By that we, mean that we’ve been playing games all our lives, be it on the table top or in the virtual space of video games. Making games is something that’s a bit new for us, but we’re not afraid of the challenge! Through our many years of playing, we’ve cultivated a bunch of great game ideas, and it’s our goal to “barrel up” those ideas for all to enjoy!
We know what you’re thinking, “These guys don’t know what they’re doing, and they’ll surely fail to create anything.” Well, while you may have us on the first point (knowing what you’re doing is overrated), but we can guarantee you that we will find success… eventually.
You see, we’ve played a lot of games, a lot (did we already mention the “100 years combined of game experience” bit?), and one lesson we’ve learned over those years of playing is the value of enduring perseverance. No one’s great at a game the first time they play. Whether it’s a game of checkers against you older sibling (who’s far more aware of the rules and probably cheats a little), or a round against Mike Tyson in Punchout!! for the NES (who cheats all of the time), games have the ability to kick your butt. However, despite this, games also give you the opportunity to get back up and try again. In this way, a loss isn’t really equal to failure, but rather, as long as you learn from it and choose to keep trying, each loss is merely a a stepping stone toward an eventual success!
Essentially, when it comes to games or anything else, really, we’ve learned that you only fail when you quit. At ALAN Games, we don’t quit on our goals, and as such, we believe success is an inevitability. Even when the task ahead of us may appear unfamiliar or intimidating, we’ll see it through, just like we know that , one day, we’ll beat Mike Tyson too!
So, you’ve probably been wondering who “ALAN” is in all of this. Well, actually, ALAN isn’t a person, but rather a sort of company concept (unless something goes wrong and we need a scapegoat; in that case, by all means, please direct all your complaints to our company head, Mr. ALAN Games).
ALAN is actually a very clever acronym, which stands for All Leaders Are alaN. Setting aside our inability to understand how acronyms work, the concept of ALAN really comes down to that key word of “Leaders”, and it works on two levels.
On an internal scale, being ALAN means empower our creatives to take leadership of their ideas. This is accomplished through supporting one another as best as we can. If someone has a fun game idea, or even a niche idea that’s grabbed their interest, we encourage them to pursue it, and make ourselves available if they need help.
And on a broader scale, being ALAN means seeking out an industry leading standard of quality. Part of the reason we started this endeavor was because we were feeling dissatisfied with products currently out on the market, and rather than just sitting around and complaining that we could do better, we decided to put our money where our mouths were, and set out to make something better.
So that’s what ALAN is all about here at ALAN Games Studio. We all seek to take leadership of our ideas, and seek to become leaders of industry with our products, and since All Leaders Are alaN, we’re actually all ALAN! (again, unless something goes wrong; in which case, there is only one Mr. ALAN Games, and you can direct your complaints to him).
Games have been a part of Jimato’s life from an early age. His grandparents taught him his first poker game when he was in Kindergarten, and he’s been dabbling in video games since his older sister handed him the controller plugged into the third player port on their original Nintendo… Wait, the NES had three controller ports, right?…
Anyway, whether through game nights with family or online sessions with friends, Jimato has been playing games for a long time, and he believes that they hold a powerful force that can bring people together.
Broseph has played video games on three different continents, spanning over 25 years, and during all types of weather.
He started with Super Mario Bro’s on the NES and has been most influenced by Half-Life on PC.
He’s a firm believer that games should be good, or people wont play them as much.
In several decades of playing games, Pugsley has enjoyed discovering all kinds of ways games allow us to play together.
Lately it seems like he no longer has the time he used to have, so he’s interested in creating cooperative experiences that allow each of the players to play at their own pace.
Raise by wild coyotes in a nearby woodland realm, until he came of age, Kangarudy survived by dumpster diving behind the neighborhood Blockbuster as a young boy, where he first discovered video games. The discs had a pleasant crunch, but they didn’t taste very good. His story was eventually picked up by a local news station, which led to a reunion with his long lost family. The coyote retains visitation rights to this day.
Tastiest games: Iggy’s Wreckin’ Balls, Jump Start 3rd Grade, Treasure Mathstorm, Glover
Video Game Philosophy: Do not eat. A lick here or there is OK, with supervision.